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Business Meeting

Project No. 1

Industry: Public institution.

Problem: Inefficient processes.

Solution: Review and improve processes according to LEAN VSM and Standardized Work Methods.

Results: The annual return on investment for the customer (ROI) = 65.


Project No. 4

Industry: Private business service center

Problem: Inefficient processes, no process indicators, no accountability system 

Solution: Processes have been reviewed and improved according to LEAN VSM and Standardized Methods, process-based indicators have been developed according to LEAN CTQ and CTB methodology, reporting system established according to LEAN Asaichi methodology.

Results: The annual return on investment for the customer (ROI) = 5.

Truck and Warehouse

Project No. 7

Industry: Logistics Services.


Problem: Inefficient processes.


Solution: Measurement of company processes maturity level.


Results: The level of maturity of the company's processes has been determined, suggestions for process improvement and efficiency have been provided.

Organized Files

Project No. 10

Industry: Public institution.


Problem: Inefficient processes.


Solution: An impact assessment study was carried out to improve processes using the LEAN VSM methodology.


Results: Suggestions and possible alternatives for improving inefficient processes were provided.

Civil Engineer

Project No. 2

Industry: Public institution.

Problem: Inefficient processes.

Solution: Review and improve processes according to LEAN VSM and Standardized Work Methods.

Results: The annual return on investment for the customer (ROI) = 11.


Project No. 5

Industry: Public institution.

Problem: Inefficient processes.

Solution: Review and improve processes according to LEAN VSM and Standardized Work Methods.

Results: The annual return on investment for the customer (ROI) = 8.








Successful Work Team

Project No. 8

Industry: Public institution.


Problem: Inefficient structure, small salaries of employees.


Solution: An impact assessment study has been carried out.


Results: Provided a new, efficient structure of the organisation, suggestions on how to raise the salaries of 30% of employees have been provided with the evaluation of several options and alternatives.

Informative Interview

Project No. 11

Industry: Public institution.


Problem: Inefficient processes


Solution: New and effective processes have been developed according to LEAN DMADV, VSM, standardized work methodologies and impact assessment was carried out.


Results: New efficient processes have been developed accompanied with the impact assessment.

Working Coffee

Project No. 3

Industry: Public institution.

Problem: Inefficient processes.

Solution: Review and improve processes according to LEAN VSM and Standardized Work Methods.

Results: The annual return on investment for the customer (ROI) = 29.

Blue Stairway

Project No. 6

Industry: Public institution.


Problem: Unclear organisation's mission, vision, values, ineffective strategic action plan.



Solution: Using the LEAN X-MATRIX methodology, the organisation's mission, vision, values ​​and strategic action plan have been defined.



Results: Organisation defined and approved a newly formed mission, vision, values ​​and a new strategic action plan.

Website on Laptop

Project No. 9

Industry: Internet and TV services.


Problem: Inefficient processes, no identification of the processes in the company.


Solution: Identify and evaluate company processes.


Results: A list of company processes has been identified, suggestions which processes should be improved provided.

Designer Notebook

Project No. 12

Industry: Public institution.


Problem: Inefficient processes.


Solution: Process improvement methodology developed according to LEAN KAIZEN, SIPOC, VSM, Standardized Work Methods.


Results: Process improvement methodology approved, training conducted and training material was provided.

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